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Fév 2019

Leading from Hurt Versus Leading from Heart

I’ve learned to live by the saying “You can never get enough of what you don’t need.” It’s not easy, especially when it comes to BBC crime procedurals, chips and queso, and approval. One of the patterns that I’ve observed in working with leaders is that many people lead from a place of hurt and smallness, and they use their position of power to try to fill that self-worth gap. But we just can’t fill a self-worth gap by leading and using power over people, because that’s not exactly what we need.

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Août 2018

Télétravail. Limites et bénéfices

Une récente étude de l'institut OpinionWay pour l'éditeur de logiciels Horoquartz indique que le télétravail concerne environ 16% des salariés français, majoritairement dans les grandes agglomérations, et à raison d'un jour par semaine le plus souvent.

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