
Recruitment and Executive Search / How to recruit candidates with an international profile 

The search for international profiles in France or abroad is a real challenge for a company…and requires many resources. Runtalents offers a proven recruiting method at an international level, which allows us to assess the candidates’ skills, to select the best amongst them and to optimise their integration period. This tailor-made selection of candidates is a productivity gain for the HR Directors and Managers.

Our international asset
Recruitment Diagnostic
Search for candidates
Evaluation and selection of candidates
Presentation of the best candidates
Support in the final decision
Follow-up and optimisation of the integration

Recruitment Diagnostic

  • Meet the HR and operational Managers to analyse the job within its international context
  • Identify your company’s key strenghts to attract the right candidate

Search for candidates

  • Get the right sourcing for France/and abroad
  • Lead an additional direct/executive search according to the selected methodology

Evaluation and candidates’ selection

  • Understand the specificity of international recruiting practices, careers and
  • Draw on validated aptitude and personality tests and recorded video interviews

Presentation of the shortlisted candidates

  • Put forward candidates who are able to use their expertise in an international
  • Prepare the company for success in the international recruiting process

Follow-up and optimisation of the integration

  • In case of mobility, follow-up of the candidate and his/her family’s integration with recommendations if needed
  • 12 months warranty period for the managers’ positions

Full support until the final decision

  • In case of mobility, list all the subjects to be included in the proposal to the candidate
  • Assistance in negotiation if needed

Why call upon a recruitment company specialised in international profiles ?

  • Responsiveness and commitment : our international HR specialists team is fully aware of the additional difficulties due to intercultural issues, foreign languages and different way of recruiting.
  • Methodology and strict validation procedures with personality questionnaires and tests, which are analysed by our team of certified specialists. In some specific cases, an expert will come and complete the analysis.
  • Privileged relations with the chosen candidate and personalised follow-up during the integration year in order to optimize the chances of success.
  • International HR advice to increase the efficiency and the appeal of the company.

Recruiting via Runtalents guarantees you

  • A tailor-made selection of candidates in France and over the world to satisfy your specific needs.
  • 20 years of experience in recruitment agencies and HR management in Europe, Asia, Australia and Middle-East.
  • Quality partners based on accurate and methodological criteria, which guarantee their professionalism and work ethic.
  • A privileged contact, a timeline for each mission with regular and detailed reporting.
  • A 12 months warranty period for manager functions.


Vito Carrozzo, Director, Top Management Talent Optimization, Nakheel

“It is with much pleasure that I endorse the personal attributes and professional skills of Karine. I first met Karine upon my arrival in a new role with Nakheel in Dubai in 2008. She immediately impressed me with her familiarity and access to suitably experienced and available candidates within the UAE region as well as her skills in managing the expectations of candidates. She proved herself to be resourceful and trustworthy service provider as well as confidant for me and I would gladly utilize Karine’s services again should the opportunity arise for me to do so.”

Top Qualities: Personable, High Integrity, Creative

Human Resources Training / How to succeed in the integration and evolution of international co-workers

International HR training made and adapted to your company

Thanks to the international experience of our associates and their capacity to share their know-how, our HR consultancy has developed a unique training program both by its contents and its format.

Indeed, we have chosen 2 different types of format combining efficiency and interactivity. For the moment, our training is delivered in French.

2 types of formats
  • 1st Module, 1 day face to face : cases study and experience sharing with peers.
  • 2nd Module, 2 hrs by webtraining : preliminary contact by telephone to determine the needs and to work out the format. This special format allows more flexibility in your schedule for more efficiency.
Ici, contenu des formations. NE PAS EFFEACER.


Karen Ray, International Employability Consultant at Euromed Management, Kedge Business School

Karine Angleys has been one of our international team for the last three years, carefully responding to our needs and delivering bespoke training sessions to diverse groups with energy, enthusiasm and professionalism. Her knowledge and experience of HR and recruitment in Australia and in the UAE are invaluable to us.

In complement to working with groups, Karine Angleys coaches our students on an individual basis via Skype. The remit is very precise – aiding students to define and develop their international career plans, and helping them to adopt a research methodology, build an international network, target the relevant job market, and find their ideal job. This requires highly developed listening skills, creativity, enthusiasm and organisation – all of which Karine has in abundance.

Human Resources Consulting / How to succeed in developing your company at an international level.

Whatever your size or your activity and the countries you are aiming at for your business strategy, we provide you with our international HR expertise and our dynamism for :

  • Developing your organization and your international HR best practices.
  • Optimising your co-workers’ mobility and integrating new talents.
What our HR Consultancy implements
  • A validation of the expected results
  • Information on the diagnostic
  • Co-creation of HR tools
The Runtalents guarantee
  • Results
    an operational and pragmatic results oriented approach based on customer’s satisfaction
  • Transparency
    If your request goes beyond our competencies, we will help you choose the appropriate service providers.


Eric Chou, General Manager / Sales Director, Parker Hannifin Taiwan Co., Ltd

Olivier Bourquard is one of the most professional HR manager I ever worked with in my past 30 years career in different size of multinational companies in Asia. We worked together in Shanghai and it was very impressive to see how Olivier played his role as a great business partner as a HR assisting the management team to grow the business in an emerging market. To name few major successes during his stay in Asia, he succeeded in setting up the right HR organization to cover the north Asia region, and also putting in place the right HR programs in different countries to support the development of the business which all proved to be very successful in driving the company business growth afterwards. If there is an chance of utilizing Olivier’s great competence in HR field I will be more than happy to use his service again.

Expatriation: define a remuneration and advantages package
Keywords : mobility charter, differentiation in purchasing power, bonuses, social security agreement, tax equalization, split pay
Format : 1 journée en présentiel
Public : HR
Prepare your international co-worker
Keywords : intercultural, motivation, partner and children, schooling, accommodation, administrative procedures, communication…
Format : 1 journée en présentiel
Public : Directors, HR Managers
Succeed in an international recruitment interview
Keywords : Recruitment, intercultural specificities, key knowledge, behaviour, motivation
Format : 2 h en visioformation
Public : HR
The budget and administrative management of mobility
Keywords : Change in organization, anticipation, costs control, revision of the conditions
Format : 2 h en visioformation
Public : HR
Choosing the international employment contract
Keywords : temporary posting, amendment, specifications, local contract, VIE, outsourcing, termination, duration of the mission
Format : 2 h en visioformation
Public : HR
Risk management in case of international mobility
Keywords : risk, security, safety, repatriation, principle of prevention, precautionary principle, crisis unit
Format : 2 h en visioformation
Public : HR
Expatriation: define a remuneration and advantages package
Keywords : mobility charter, differentiation in purchasing power, bonuses, social security agreement, tax equalization, split pay
Format : 1 day face to face
Public : HR
Prepare your international co-worker
Keywords : intercultural, motivation, partner and children, schooling, accommodation, administrative procedures, communication…
Format : 1 day face to face
Public : Directors, HR Managers
Succeed in an international recruitment interview
Keywords : Recruitment, intercultural specificities, key knowledge, behaviour, motivation
Format : 2 hrs by webtraining
Public : HR
The budget and administrative management of mobility
Keywords : Change in organization, anticipation, costs control, revision of the conditions
Format : 2 hrs by webtraining
Public : HR
Choosing the international employment contract
Keywords : temporary posting, amendment, specifications, local contract, VIE, outsourcing, termination, duration of the mission
Format : 2 hrs by webtraining
Public : HR
Risk management in case of international mobility
Keywords : risk, security, safety, repatriation, principle of prevention, precautionary principle, crisis unit
Format : 2 hrs by webtraining
Public : HR